Mental Health Blog

What is Mindful Eating?

In recent decades, mindfulness meditation has taken the West by storm. As a result, more and more people are experiencing less stress and more fulfillment in their life by “staying in the moment.” Well, mindfulness can be applied to any area of your life, including eating!You may have heard of mindful eating before and assumed it had something to do...[ read more ]

Body-Positive Weight Management

Body positivity is a movement started by the idea that all human beings, regardless of their size, should feel good about themselves. Body positive advocates encourage others to celebrate their bodies and accept themselves the way they are, instead of trying to squeeze themselves into a physical mold that society has deemed “attractive.”But is it possible to be body positive...[ read more ]

5 Amazing Health Benefits of Garlic

National Garlic Day is April 19th. While many of us enjoy the taste of garlic, much to our loved ones’ chagrin (hey, that’s why God invented breath mints), not a lot of people know that garlic is really good for you!With this in mind, here are 5 reasons to start eating more garlic:1. It Boosts Your Immune SystemStudies have shown...[ read more ]

How to Face Food and Fitness Challenges During COVID-19

If anyone had told us a year ago that we would be facing a global pandemic – one that would cause the entire world to go on lockdown – no one would have believed it. But here we are.While some states have begun to reopen, there are still many areas where children are not going to school and adults are...[ read more ]

What is Your Stomach Telling You? Intuitive Eating Explained.

Hate dieting? Then this may be the best blog post you have ever read!If you’re one of those people who has always had trouble maintaining a healthy weight – you are most likely also one of those people who has tried every diet known to man. And yet, none of those has worked.Maybe none of these diets have worked because...[ read more ]

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