Mental Health Blog

What Is Oppositional Defiant Disorder?

Oppositional defiant disorder (ODD) can cause a child to frequently exhibit anger, irritability, and defiance against their parents and other authority figures. Children with this disorder often argue and act spitefully or vindictively, making it difficult to maintain relationships and causing issues at home, at school, and in other areas of life.ODD Causes & Risk FactorsResearchers are still working to...[ read more ]

Understanding Separation Anxiety Disorder

Separation anxiety disorder causes a person to worry excessively about being separated from someone who’s close to them. For example, someone with this type of anxiety may worry about being separated from a parent or caregiver.This anxiety disorder most commonly affects children. While it’s normal for infants and toddlers to experience separation anxiety, they usually outgrow the issue once they...[ read more ]

How to Help Your Child Manage Their Anxiety

For many, childhood is the most wondrous and exciting time in a person’s life. But even when a child is growing in a loving and stable family environment, they can feel fear and anxiety.Think back on your childhood. Everything new was something to be not-so-sure of. It was easy to feel a bit anxious on the first day of school...[ read more ]

How to Talk to Your Young Child About the LGBTQIA+ Community

As a parent or caregiver, it can be difficult to know the right thing to say when kids question what we deem to be adult topics. Broaching topics of sexuality can be awkward for both parties, however, it is a necessary conversation to have.When it comes to talking about homosexuality and transgender individuals, children should be given age-appropriate information so...[ read more ]

Helping Kids Cope with Divorce

Divorce isn’t easy for anyone, but children can take it particularly hard. Many children don’t understand what is happening and many more feel the divorce is somehow their fault.  Here’s how you can help your child cope:Communicate OpenlyThe divorce should be explained in simple and straightforward terms. If at all possible, both parents should be part of the conversation. Your language...[ read more ]

What Determines Gender Identity and How Can Parents Help?

What makes someone feel they have been born into the wrong body? Gender identity is a prominent topic these days thanks to the transgender movement, yet many people are still uncertain about what causes this issue.What is it, exactly, that determines whether an individual thinks of themselves as “male” or “female” or something else or neither of these two options?...[ read more ]

Teaching Kids Mindfulness: The Benefits and Easiest Ways to Do It!

“Pay attention!”It’s a phrase that is uttered dozens of times a week (if not more) in households where children between the ages of two and 18 reside. How is it that when they WANT to, oh say when they are playing video games or watching cartoons, kids can have a tremendous attention span. But at any other time, getting them...[ read more ]

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