Mental Health Blog

Parenting After a Divorce

Parenting After A Divorce When a marriage ends, and the couple has no children, there are only two people that need to heal, regroup, and move forward with their lives. However, if you introduce children into the equation, the situation becomes far more complex.  I have worked with a number of children from divorced families, and many factors can impact...[ read more ]

Parenting a Teenage Girl

Parenting A Teenage Girl A roll of her eyes, sighing, “attitude”, arguments, pushing limits.  If you are the parent of a teenage girl, you may be all too familiar with these themes. What happened, you may think to yourself, to the sweet girl who used to love going to the park with me, having tea parties, and snuggling on the...[ read more ]

“In Health & Sickness, for Better or Worse”: Help for Spousal Caregivers

“In Health & Sickness, for Better or Worse”: Help for Spousal Caregivers You vividly remember the wedding vows you made to your spouse, promising to love him/her despite the challenges that the two of you might encounter. You successfully navigate life together for a number of years, and then a new challenge unlike any other confronts you -due to an...[ read more ]

Overcoming Childhood Adversity: From Surviving to Thriving

Overcoming Childhood Adversity: From Surviving to Thriving The story of a happy childhood: Two individuals fall in love. They make a life-long commitment to each other, deciding to become parents and start a family. Together, these two parents love and nurture their children, providing a safe and comfortable home environment, nutritious food, appropriate medical care, stimulating interaction and activities conducive...[ read more ]

Coping With a Cancer Diagnosis

Fighting Cancer Diagnosis

Many individuals diagnosed never imagine hearing the words, “You have cancer”. This is especially true for those conscientious individuals who exercise, eat well, maintain a healthy weight, don’t abuse drugs and alcohol, or smoke. Nevertheless, in the United States in 2021, more than 1,800,000 new cancer diagnoses and over 600,000 cancer deaths are projected, and many of these patients could...[ read more ]

Sleep Hygiene

It is common in our office to hear people having trouble sleeping. You might be staying up late because your mind is racing and it feels impossible to quiet your thoughts. Some might be able to fall asleep easily but then wake up in the middle of the night filled with worry and dread for the next day. Some of...[ read more ]

Non-Suicidal Self-Injury

It is a common misconception that if someone is cutting themselves, that they are trying to kill themselves. Sometimes when people hurt themselves, they are trying to relieve some sort of emotional pain or tension. When they are experiencing negative and emotional thoughts, they may self-harm to regain a sense of control of their bodies and pain. Some may self-harm...[ read more ]

The Importance of a Sense of Control

It is only natural to want control over our lives. We believe that the more we can control, the less likely something bad will happen to us. Research suggests that those individuals who believe they have more control over their lives have better immune responses and decreased anxiety and depression symptoms. Feeling like we can make positive changes in our lives gives...[ read more ]

Teen Vaping and Talking to Your Child About It

Teenage vaping has been increasing at an alarming rate in recent years.  Most teens and adults believe that smoking using an electronic cigarette is healthier than smoking regular cigarettes.  This is not true and depending on the liquid that is being used, smoking with electronic cigarettes can be more harmful than smoking regular cigarettes. What is vaping? Vaping is inhaling...[ read more ]

Keeping Teens Safe

If you are the parent of a teen, there is probably no greater concern you have than his or her safety. Whether heading off to school, or an outing with friends, it is likely you have said it a thousand times, “Be careful!” Parents worry about accidents, Internet predators, and the temptation for teens to be enticed by cigarettes/vaping, alcohol,...[ read more ]

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